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Course: Digital IC Design

Optimizing Speed and Energy a Circuit Level View
2016年10月20日-21日  | 上海



This course handles the circuit level, also known as physical layer, aspects of digital integrated circuit design. The common thread through the course is the optimization of the circuit performance versus energy consumption trade off. The course will start by reviewing the performance and energy properties of digital elementary cells: logic gates and memory elements. These will be hooked together so that timing and pipelining aspects can be studied. An excursion to maximum performance is made by having a look at dynamic logic. From then on larger building blocks, e.g. adders but also SRAM memory will be studied. The last part will focus on low energy design while maintaining performance at the required level.  



Managers of design teams of digital and mixed-signal design, and their designers.Advanced undergraduate or graduate students who wish to develop a solid knowledge of digital IC design. A basic understanding of digital circuits is assumed.  






课程时间:2016年10月20日—21日 (2天)
报到注册时间:2016年10月20日, 上午8:30-9:00 

课程地点:上海集成电路技术与促进中心  (浦东新区张东路1388号21栋 1楼多功能厅) 


个人报名:3,600元/人(含授课费、场地租赁费、资料费、课程期间午餐),学员交通、食宿等费用自理。(如需了解附近酒店协议价格信息,请联系 Grace:18516128250 ); 




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 户  名:上海新微科技服务有限公司
 帐  号:442969968121

课程具体安排 第一天: 10月20日

1. 简介,必要的模型和反相器 这节课程首先介绍整个课程的内容概要,以及在当前的EDA工具和自动化设计中电路层面的研究依然重要的原因。接下来我们会简要地回顾必要的晶体管和互联模型。然后我们利用这些模型来分析所有数字电路的基础-反相器的性能和功耗特征,从而引入了逻辑努力近似。 

Introduction, required models and the inverter This class will give a short overview of the whole course first and why the circuit level is still important in these days of EDA tools and automated design. Next the required transistor and interconnect models will be shortly reviewed. These models are then applied to analyze the performance and energy properties of the mother of all digital circuits: the invertor. This results in the logical effort approximation. 

2.静态CMOS电路和成比例缩放 这节课程将会处理CMOS电路设计方面的问题,首先我们会研究缓冲器的设计问题以维持速度性能。接下来我们将会解释尺寸缩放在功耗性能方面带来的影响。最后我们将快速地介绍复杂逻辑门和时序单元(锁存器和寄存器)。 

Static CMOS circuits and scaling This class handles CMOS circuit design. It starts with the design of buffers to maintain speed performance. Then the influence of scaling on energy performance will be explained. Next more complex gates and sequential elements (latches and registers) are quickly introduced.

3.时序,流水线和动态逻辑 这节课程我们首先研究组合逻辑和时序单元交织在一起所形成的数据通路的流水线和有限状态机,同时将会解决时序和亚稳态的问题。课程的第二个主题是动态逻辑,一条实现高速性能的途径,但同时也在可靠性和信号完整性方面的极具挑战。

Timing, pipelining and dynamic logic This class hooks up combinational logic with sequential elements to form data path pipelines and finite state machines. Timing and metastability will be addressed. The second topic of this class is dynamic logic: a pathway to high speed performance but also a big challenge in terms of robustness and signal integrity. 

4.数据通路的运算设计 这节课程我们将会讨论有效数据通路运算的设计,主要集中在加法器上,这也是所有运算的起始点。而后我们会简要地介绍其他模块,如乘法器等。 

Data path operator design This class will discuss the design of efficient data path operators. The discussion will focus on adders as these are the starting points for all arithmetic. A short excursion will be made to other blocks, e.g.multipliers. 

第二天: 10月21日 

5. 静态存储 这节课程主要是研究静态RAM的设计。首先我们会快速地介绍SRAM的特征及其设计中的一些问题。这个课程不是面向SRAM设计人员的,而是给数字电路设计人员在SRAM领域的做一个简介,让他们能够理解在功耗和性能设计的折衷方案制定过程中SRAM扮演的特殊角色。

Static memory This class addresses static RAM design. It will give an as-the-bird-flies overview of the specific properties of SRAM and some of the issues in SRAM design. It is not meant as a course for SRAM designers. It is an introduction to SRAM for digital circuit designers that enables them to understand the specific role SRAM plays in the energy versus performance design trade off. 

6. 能量优化:VDD,VT和尺寸 这节课程将从设计人员的角度阐述能量和性能之间的折衷设计问题。核心问题是,在一个给定的设计问题下,设计人员怎样去处理设计变量以达到最优折衷点。需要注意的是并没有一个方案可以解决所有的问题,这需要设计人员的技术和智慧。 

Energy optimization: VDD, VT and sizing This class discusses the energy versus performance trade off from the designers point of view. How should I handle my design variables to come to the optimal point for a given design problem, is the central question. Beware that there is no one size fits all solution. It takes designer’s skill and intelligence. 

7. 能量优化:低漏电设计 这节课程我们将讨论先进CMOS工艺缩减后带来的首要问题:漏电。我们会列举出各种重要的降低漏电的技术,并对它们进行比较。 

Energy optimization: low leakage design This class is about a first problem brought about by advanced CMOS scaling: leakage. Techniques to reduce leakage will put on the map and compared. 

8. 能量优化:动态的频率电压成比例缩减以及对工艺扰动的处理 在最后这节课程中我们将阐述先进CMOS工艺按比例缩减后所带来的困境 :工艺扰动。课程中我们将会介绍工艺扰动的来源以及解释其成为主要的问题的原因。我们也会解释动态频率和电压的成比例缩减问题,并主要集中在扰动问题上。课程的最后我们对数字集成电路的未来做了一个简单的展望: More (than) Moore? 

Energy optimization: dynamic frequency voltage scaling and dealing with variability In this last class the real nightmare of advanced CMOS scaling is revealed: technological variability. It will be shown where variability comes from and why it is a fundamental problem. Dynamic frequency and voltage scaling will be explained in general and focused on the variability issue. The course will end with a very short outlook on the future of digital IC design: more (than) Moore? 


 Wim Dehaene 鲁汶大学博士学位鲁汶大学MICAS部门负责人,全职教授IMEC兼职首席科学家IEEE资深会员ESSCIRC的技术委员会成员 Wim Dehaene于1967年出生于荷兰奈梅亨,于1991年在鲁汶大学获得电子与机械工程硕士学位,在1996年11月在鲁汶大学获得博士学位。在1996年11月,Wim Dehaene加入到阿尔卡特微电子,成为一名资深项目负责人,主要领域是片上混合系统的可行性、设计和发展研究。应用领域主要是电话、xDSL和高速无线LAN。在2002年7月,Wim Dehaene加入到鲁汶大学的MICAS部门,现在他是一名全职教授并成为该部门的负责人。他的研究领域主要是数字电路的电路级设计。目前主要的方向是先进CMOS工艺技术中超低功耗信号处理和存储器设计。他的部分研究项目与IMEC合作,他同时也是IMEC的兼职首席科学家。Wim Dehaene目前教很多电子工程、数字电路和系统设计的课程。他同时也对工程学的教学感兴趣,他目前主导了很多项目目的在于帮助青少年接受工程学方面的进修培训。他也是鲁汶大学教师培训项目的讲师。Wim Dehaene是IEEE的资深会员。在2014年以前他是ISSCC的技术委员会的成员。在2015年和2016年他成为ISSCC短期课程的组织者。他也是ESSCIRC的技术委员会成员,他将会是ESSCIRC 2017年的技术委员会主席。 

Wim Dehaene was born in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, in 1967. He received the M. Sc. degree in electrical and mechanical engineering in 1991 from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. In November 1996 he received the Ph. D degree also at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.In November 1996 Wim Dehaene joined Alcatel Microelectronics, Belgium. There he was a senior project leader for the feasibility, design and development of mixed mode Systems on Chip. The application domains were telephony, xDSL and high speed wireless LAN. In July 2002 Wim Dehaene joined the staff of the MICAS division of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven where he is now a full professor and head of the division. His research domain is circuit level design of digital circuits. The current focus is on ultra low power signal processing and memories in advanced CMOS technologies. Part of this research is performed in cooperation with IMEC, Belgium, where he is also a part time principal scientist.Wim Dehaene is teaching several classes on electrical engineering and digital circuit and system design. He is also very interested in the didactics of engineering. As such he is guiding several projects aiming to bring engineering to youngsters in secondary education and he is a teacher in the teacher education program of the KULeuven.Wim Dehaene is a senior member of the IEEE. Until 2014 he was a member of the technical program committee of ISSCC. In 2015 and 2016 he was the ISSCC short course organizer. Wim Dehaene is a member of the technical program committee of ESSCIRC and will be the technical program chair for ESSCIRC 2017 in Leuven, Belgium.


